Technology keeps advancing day in and day out making things that seemed impossible at first very possible now.

Not only has technology had impact in our businesses, industries, factories or schools but even in our homes and our foods; thus the introduction of The Genetically Modified Foods(GMO) and even on our crops; the plant breeders bill which is still being discussed by the legislature.

Ghanaians enjoy a great variety of delicacies some easy and less stressful to prepare but others very stressful and time consuming Hence, technology came in at the right time to ease the burdens and the stress.    One of the most loved and cherished dish  by most people here in Ghana and happens to be prepared during special events or occasions (not that it can't be eaten everyday) when friends and families come together is the Fufu. Fufu is a delicacy extracted from cooked cassava and is mostly enjoyed with light soup,palm nut soup or even groundnut soup. The only difficult thing  during the preparation of fufu is the pounding of the entire cassava into fufu.

 One must be careful enough and pound firmly else, the fufu might turn out lumpy and that won't make it appetising and attractive. Pounding the cassava is greatly disliked by many as it is stressful and requires so much strength and energy. It is such an irony that a lot of people dodge the pounding but prefer to do the eating lol.Thanks to technology, the fufu pounding machine has been introduced yeeeeeeeeaaaaahhh.

The first time I got to know of the  existence of the fufu pounding machine was about two years ago I was so overwhelmed and thought: this is really going to ease the  burden off fufu lovers since they won't have to go through the inconvenience of pounding.  I had never seen one and didn't even know how it worked though but I believed it was a good thing that had come to stay.
  Finally,I got to see a fufu pounding machine and it was on the day of my cousin's traditional marriage ceremony. Fufu became the most sought after delicacy by the guests although there were many other Ghanaian dishes. More guests kept trooping in and kept ordering for fufu. The people in charge of 'food affairs' decided to prepare more fufu so that more can be available for everyone to have their fill. Just when they were thinking of what to do, a guest approached 'the people in charge of food affairs' and suggested to them to transport the cooked cassava to a place where a fufu pounding machine is available so as to save time and energy.

   An arrangement was made and a car carried a whole basin of cooked cassava to the place. As nosy and curious as I was, I wanted to know  everything about the fufu pounding machine. There was a queue and we joined. Frankly speaking,  it took less than 15 minutes for the machine to crush the entire cassava into fufu. I was so impressed and kept beaming and grinning and stared ,gaping like a villager who had seen something fascinating for the first time.  It was our turn finally and our cassava was poured into the machine. I realised for the first time that the young man controlling the machine had to keep putting his hands into the fufu every now and then to feel the texture. Goshhhhhhh!!! what the heck???  All the smiles died from my face and suddenly, I became so  disappointed and stared in awe as he kept removing  the fufu without any gloves on from the machine into our basin. OMG!!! I lost appetite instantly and swallowed hard in discomfort. I couldn't wait to leave the scene and kept wondering if the machine was even washed or cleaned daily or from time to time. Could the fufu pounding machine be a blessing or a curse to us; inspite of the fact that it is convenient, can we trust it hygienically? Its up to us to either go through the  stress by using the mortar and pestle or go in for 'the convenient' one, the fufu pounding machine.

 I  don't mean to say pounding fufu in a mortar is more hygienic than the fufu pounding machine. All I want to do is to caution us when we are deciding on which of the options to go in for. I don't mean to scare or discourage anybody . I am just
alerting us all to take precaution.


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