You know how funny it is when you pretend to be brave and strong but fear keeps looking you straight in the eye and keeps reminding you of its presence and existence.

 My friends organized a trip to Nzulezu, a village built on silt in the Western Region of Ghana. As excited as I was, I couldn't wait for the day to come since I wanted to satisfy my curiosity about how the people of Nzulezu lived and how they went about their daily routines.

The day finally came for the much anticipated trip to Nzulezu and we set off from Accra at exactly 6:00am so we can arrive early and meet the people, socialise,have fun and view their beautiful sceneries and landscape. I was beaming with smiles and anxious to get to Beyin, the town in which Nzulezu is located. We covered so many kilometres yet Beyin wasn't in sight.

 I started losing interest in the trip in the fourth hour of our journey since it became so tiring and my back hurt terribly and to add insult to injury,  the roads were in a very bad state. The other members of the group started complaining of tiredness but come to think of it if we those just sitting comfortably are complaining of tiredness how much more the driver who is performing an action-driving. After it seemed like 'forever', we got to Beyin finally around2:46pm.

 I became a bit relieved but we had about an hour and half more to go in order get to our final destination- Nzulezu. We the  paid the fare for the canoe ride at the reception where life jackets were given to us and a tour guide assigned to us. Finally l had this mixed feelings of excitement and fear. As this was my first time travelling on water I didn't know what to expect but as curious as I was, I couldn't be bothered. We finally sat in the canoe and it felt so normal and fun in the beginning. We kept chatting and admiring nature.

 There were so many different plant species and the environment was so serene. It looked like we were in a tropical rain forest.  All of a sudden, the excitement died down when we got to the widest part of the water and when you looked to your left or right, nothing was in sight and no voices could be heard except that of birds chirping and the water rushing violently as if it was competing against Usain Bolt in a race. 

Fear gripped me and the other members since the water was so large and our canoe looked like an object on a huge water body.  I only soliloquied "didn't you say you loved adventures?  Now you've got it" My colleagues became so silent that none was willing to turn their necks or even chat due to their fear. We finally got to the village built on silt-Nzulezu and it was a beautiful  sight to behold.  It was surprising to see houses built of bamboo and wood and to see people go about their daily chores on water. It taught me one thing;  to appreciate what ever I had.

The people led normal lives and I was even shocked to see a satellite dish on top of one of the roofs. It made me smile to myself and I thought they also need to enjoy. The inhabitants of Nzulezu are a little over 600 and they had a school and church on the water as well. It was disheartening to know that teachers refused posting to Nzulezu and the people are left to their fate. Yet, students at Nzulezu will sit the same exams as students in Accra and this is so unfair. The people had to paddle their canoes to neighbouring towns to get items they need or seek medical attention when they are ill. I saw a little boy about the age of 7 paddling a canoe to Nzulezu and the most shocking of all -a heavily pregnant woman paddling a canoe to Nzulezu.  It was obvious she was from town. Say, she is in labour how quick can they take her accross the river to a hospital to be delivered of the baby ?  Finally it was time to leave back to Accra.

The trip to Nzulezu was not  only adventurous but inspiring too. It taught me to be content with what I have and make the best out of any opportunity that come my way since not all people have the opportunities I have.  All fingers are unequal. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thnx guys am gr8ful to u all for taking time off ur schedule to read.

  2. you really had fun my friend

    1. Although it was fun, it was scary as well but inspiring too

  3. That was a good experience, You did really well..


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